tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jun 21 05:12:33 1995

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There's something new, worth of tlhIngan Hol

           Hos Dochmey vIparHa' 'ej muparHa' HoswI'mey

  I'm proud to introduce to You the >Sajoy<, a new cocktail. It is a mix created
by a barman, friend of mine. In quite even measure it is composed by gin, vodka,
aperol, martini dry and martini rosso. It is as strong as a klingon pet should
be. If You happen to drop in Alessandria (Italy), search for the Hilton Bar (Via
Bergamo), step inside and ask for a Sajoy!!

| Daniele Alberto GALLIANO                                                  |
| Politecnico di Torino               | phone:    +39-11-5647072            |
| Dip. Automatica e Informatica       | fax:      +39-11-5647099            |
| corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24        | internet: [email protected] |
| 10129 Torino (Italy)                |     |
| Only a fool fights in a burning house.                       - Cmdr. Kang |

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