tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jun 21 01:41:20 1995

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Re: "It was raining hard"


>{leng DIl raQpo' lalth 'e' vIpoQ} (I require that another passenger pays 
>for a trip) is two sentences.  The first sentence, {leng DIl raQpo' 
>lalth} is the object of the second sentence, {'e' vIpoQ}.  This is called a 
>sentence-as-object construction.  {'e'} is a pronoun representing the 
>first sentence as a whole and indicate that that sentence is the object of 
>{vIpoQ}.  (See Sec. 6.2.5.)
   This is getting frustrating, I keep making the same mistakes over and 
over. It's mainly that I don't know English worth a crap which is probably 
why I have such a tough time with tlhIngan Hol sentence structure, I can't 
pick out the different sections from an English sentence, more or less a 
Klingon one.  Anyway, If you'll all continue to put up with my questions 
over and over, I'll keep giving it my best shot to learn it.   Thank you!


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