tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jun 19 14:19:07 1995

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Unexpectedly, I need a roomate for qep'a'

Yo, dudes!

Until a few minutes ago, I was planning on sharing a room with
Holtej at qep'a'. We shared a room last year and had a blast,
so we figured it was a go for a repeat performance.

Meanwhile, I'm quite sad to say, Holtej has found himself in an
unexpected situation which is, in an important way, good for
him, but it means that he can't go to qep'a'.

He is so completely honorable that he has offered to pay for
his share of the room ANYWAY, so it is not like I am desperate
for a roomate for the money, but if any of you still want a
roomate, you could save Holtej money when he could really use
it, AND you'd get to share a room with ME.

THAT is an experience which, well, I lack the words to give you
a sense of exactly what it would be like... Just realize that
Holtej did it last year and wanted to do it again THIS year.

Basically, I'm a nice guy and the whole reason I'm going is to
have fun, so if you want to spend a week with one of those rare
few expert Klingonists, drop me a note at [email protected].

As for personal habits, I don't smoke, I don't usually drink
much and I'll even close my lips while chewing IF YOU INSIST.
Beyond that, I intend to be rude, crude and lots of fun to be


 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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