tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jun 16 12:31:42 1995

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That's my name, don't use it up.

I keep seeing my name showing up all over the place, so it's kinda hard to 
reference everybody. So here is a sweeping answer.

I was just following the names I have seen on ST when it comes to the 
glottal stop.  I know different people have different interpretations of 
"cannon".  Please do not start a war over this again.

As to the pronunciation.

r'Hul = roll the r and suddenly stop, "hech" the H and blend it into the 
<ul>.  Use a lot of phlegm.  This is based on the Russian "Ruchelle", a 
variation of Rachel. (There, now you know my secret identity.{{:-)   >)  
There is no "u as in uh" in tlhIngan Hol, but "uh" is a glottal stop.  
That's why I used it.

I saw in TKD that, in there, the ' only shows up after vowels, y and w. But 
how else would you show the abrupt ending of a sound?  i.e. Gr vs. Grrrrr.


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