tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jun 14 08:59:36 1995

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Re: Wanting to know some words

On Wed, 14 Jun 1995 [email protected] wrote:
> nuqneH, all. I've looked over the TKD vocabulary section and some of the
> words, probably having to do with the original series Trek, that I wanted to
> know about. They are Khitomer, Troyius, and the Organian Peace Treaty. Some
> explanations about these words would be appreciated. qatlho'.

>Doy'yuS< = Troyius.  The rhotacized t is similar to the Klingon 
retroflex D in passing...  Presumably the Klingon name is closer to the 
true Troyian name.  The rest of the Hol name is parallel to the English.

>QI'tomer< = Khitomer
>QI'tu'<? = Paradise/Vorta Vor/whatever was the name of the world Sybok 
sought in ST5:The Phineal Frontier....  >QI'< means military:: presumably
a Klingon would think of a military heaven as a paradisic place!  :-)

I believe that given >Qo'noS< also beginning with /Q/ that when MO was
presented with Khitomer to "Hol"ize, that he made it parallel to QI'tu',
hence ST6:The Undiscovered Retread's (Camp) Khitomer becomes >QI'tomer< 
instead of the >HI'tomer< we may have expected....  Since Khitomer is
supposed to be a military base, the >QI'< part makes a LOT of sense here.

>'orghen rojmab< = Organian Peace Treaty literally, Organia's Peace-Treaty.
What's so weird about that?  It's not >'orghengan...< because it is a
peace treaty done at Organia, not a peace treaty for/belonging to 
Organi*ans*...  BTW, I teach >rojmab< as being suggestive of "roadmap"...
Kind of a roadmap to peace....


<[email protected]> #1 910 759 5532, fax -6142 ..Pardon me, but if I must
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Wake Forest University Department of Physics   I at least have a little
7507 Reynolda Station, Winston-Salem NC 27109  ether to calm my nerves?

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