tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jun 12 06:27:45 1995

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mindless dribble [sic]

jImaw 'e' vIHechbe' 'ach Dochmey puS vI'angnIS.

In a note titled "Re: Re PetaQ", [email protected] wrote:
> I have made a decission based on the facts.
> A: If Mr.(or is it Dr.) Okrand will not respond to me directlly then I must
> accept your word.
> B: What I ment by asking correction was if you agreed that "be'taH" could be
> veiwed as "Negative woman".
> C: Does anyone have an address where Mr. Okrand can be reached? I need it for
> a request that has to do with my school's Sci-Fi club(founded by yours
> truely) and it's interest in tlhIngan Hol.
  ^^^^^^      ^^^^
> D: Thank you for paying attention to this mindless dribble, and I leave you
> with this thought.

Qagh mu'tlheghmeyvam Hoch.
bIghIHmo' ('ej bImulqu'mo') jabbI'IDmeylIj laD neHbe' nuv law'.
ghaytan bIyepchugh SoHvaD nIqIm latlh.

> Life, the Universe, and EVERYTHING= 42!

tlhIngan Hol Dalo'nIS qoj tlhIngan Hol DaqelnIS.
vaj qechvetlh Daja' DaneHchugh tlhIngan Hol yIlo'!
<<yIn 'u' je Hoch je>> Datlhob 'ej <<loSmaH cha'>> Dajang.
bIjangDI' mI'lIj vIyaj 'ach nuq Datlhob?


-- ghunchu'wI'

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