tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jun 08 10:27:00 1995

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Re: Placing <je>

>Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 01:50:02 -0400
>Originator: [email protected]
>From: [email protected]

>I asked three times because the third time I FINALLY got an answer.


Hrm; maybe your mail is funny; I recall answering it twice, and seeing an
answer in Klingon from charghwI' and I believe another from yoDtargh, all
before you asked the last time.

At any rate, you may be pleased to know that while Okrand also seemed to
think (as the rest of us do) that -'e', as a noun-suffix, goes on *nouns*
and not conjunctions, he was very happy that you'd come up with the idea of
putting it on the conjunction, and thought it very clever.  He likes it
when people, in studying Klingon or any language, find themselves thinking
about the guts of language as a whole.  Your thought of flagging the
conjunction shows that you were thinking how the conjunction links the
nouns into a new whole, a noun-phrase, and maybe the suffix goes on the
noun-phrase as a whole and not individual nouns, and the conjunction is the
last word in the phrase...  This doesn't mean it's right, but it means it's
instructive, and Okrand thought so as well.


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