tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jun 07 17:11:41 1995

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Re: PetaQ

In a message dated 95-06-07 19:52:06 EDT, [email protected] writes:

>P.S. B'Elanna said be'taH, and I will only accept Mr Okrand's dispute, > but
>only by MAIL or PHONE, NOT E-MAIL! Qapla' D.S.

My, aren't we self-important?  To think that M.O. would call you on the phone
to tell you you're wrong.  Whoops, if I'm going to flame, I'd better do it in
tlhIngan Hol.  

bIpotlhqu' qalth 'e' bIHar?  bIlughHa'bej.  bImullaH bIneHchugh, 'ach
bImulmeH, potlh vay' yIwIv.  Doghqu' ghu'vam.  bItlhIvtaH.  

Didn't you hear Lawrence say that the closed caption said "PETAQ" and that
the caption-writers work from the same script that the actors work from?
 Didn't you hear ~mark, the list grammarian, say that Okrand thought
"negative woman" was silly?  And anyway, it's not like they ever get Okrand's
input on the TV shows, so he'd only have the same source of info about it
that we would: he'd see it on TV, and try to discern what the actor *meant*
to say, which is what we're doing, and we speak tlhIngan Hol much more often
and fluently than Okrand *ever* did.

yap 'oH.  jIrIn.  not qajangqa'.  bI'IjQo', bIghojQo', bIQubQo'.  potlhbe'
qechlIjmey, lI'Ha' vuDlIjmey.  qapon qatlh 'e' vInID 'e' vISovbe'.  puq SoH.

Forwarded message:
From:	[email protected]
Sender:	[email protected]
Reply-to:	[email protected]
To:	[email protected]
Date: 95-06-07 19:52:06 EDT

While I am in a criticing mood, I feel tha anyone that can not figure out my
correct age (1995-1977=18 not 19), should not be able to critic my ideas
pertaining to tlhIngan Hol.

yo' 'aj Lessem

P.S. B'Elanna said be'taH, and I will only accept Mr Okrand's dispute, but
only by MAIL or PHONE, NOT E-MAIL! Qapla' D.S.

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