tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 06 16:44:24 1995

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Re: Re PetaQ

I once again listened to my tape, and then I transferred it to my computer
and ran it through the sound programs we have hear at home. In each one I
amplified and sectioned out the Klingon B'Elanna. The first program that I
ran it through was SoundEdit. hear the result was "be'taH". I then ran it
through a program that is used to anylise the different sound in the Human
body(it can also be used for regular speach), and the result was the same.
Seeing as how I speak 4 languages fluently I would have to agree with both
the tape and my computer. She says "be'taH" and not "petaQ". I have learned
to differ btween similar sounds in four different languages, one more posses
little problem for me. I therefore feel that it is still "betaH", "Negative

yo' 'aj Lessem

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