tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jun 05 07:07:25 1995

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KBTP: Mr. Klingon Goes to Church.

[tlhIngan 'avwI': Well, my signature has tlhIngan in it.... ] 

Mr. Klingon Goes to Church. 

A month or so ago, a friend at work, who knew of my Klingon
interests, and particularly my interest in the Klingon Bible
Translation Project, put me in touch with his sister-in-law, a
minister at a local church.  It developed that she was interested in
adding Klingon to one of the languages represented at their Pentecost
service, since the New Testament account of Pentecost celebrates the
apostles miraculously speaking in many languages.

Once they'd got me to agree to come (and wear a bumpy head) I was
enlisted to do the "children's message" (a time in the service when
kids come up to hear a short message).

Billed as "Joel Anderson, visiting Klingon" in the bulletin, I
participated, wearing a black robe I'd tricked out with the all
purpose Klingon symbol thingie and it went very well.  They included
in the service bulletin an abbreviated version of a Klingon Bible
Translation Project brochure I had provided - which had an explanation
of the Klingon language, examples of Klingon and English biblical
material, and the mailing address for the KBTP.

For the children's message I was very clear that Klingons, and their
language were MAKE-BELIEVE, then talked about languages, and how we
use them to communicate with others.  I'd also made up my 7 year old
daughter with a bumpy forehead, and it worked out this was hidden by
her bangs.  At the end, I said, "let us make believe we have a little
Klingon girl here to talk to," then had Liv stand up, and brush back
her hair, revealing her Klingon-ness.  Then I led the children in
saying a few phrases to her, and wished them success, teaching them to
say "Qapla'" as they all left.

After that I participated in the Scripture reading, as the passage
from Acts 2 was read in five simultaneous languages, English, German,
French, Spanish, and Klingon.

       *mIghtaHghachvo' yImej 'ej yIQaQ! roj yInej 'ej  yItlha'*
     [email protected] |    GEnie:j.anderson71 | Prodigy: xseg61a
                ****  ****

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