tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jan 22 18:09:40 1995

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Re: Klinzhai

>"Klinzhai" is the Klingonaase word for the Klingon homeworld.  
>Klingonaase is the Klingon language appearing in the novel, "The Final 
>Reflection", by John M. Ford and it is also used in FASA's Star Trek role 
>playing game.  Klingonaase has not been fully developed like tlhIngan Hol 
>and there are only several dozen words recorded.

I seem to remember in the original Star Trek episode "The Trouble with
Tribbles" that the Klingons referred to their language as "Klingonee" and
their homeworld as Kling... I realize that on Earth we have different names
for it and different languages, but all of the mentions of the Klingon
language seems to imply that they have one language and many dialects.


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