tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jan 20 11:20:45 1995

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Re: Klinzhai

>Date: Fri, 20 Jan 1995 12:33:11 -0500
>Originator: [email protected]
>From: "A.Appleyard" <[email protected]>

>(1) I came across the name `Klinzhai' once: it was a planet, probably the
>Klingon home world, in a Star Trek scenario story that I came across recently.

I'm not positive about Klinzhai; I believe it was once (pre-Okrand) given
as the name of the Klingon homeworld

>(2) I once saw an article called `tlhIngan Hol or klingonaase?', as if there
>is or was a rival Klingon language somewhere.

>Is the word `Klinzhai' a `klingonaase' word? Who wrote and maintains this
>apparent other Klingon language? How well developed is it?

OK, here's what I know about Klingonaase.  It was a language made up for
the Klingons by John Ford _The Final Reflection_.  Actually, just the name
of the language, and a litle vocabulary was made up for it.  Aside from the
fact that both are attributed to the Klingons, it has nothing else to do
with Okrand's tlhIngan Hol.  Note that the novels are generally not
considered canonical Star Trek sources.  Note, though, that the KLI's
position is that we'd be tickled pink to study Klingonaase or check up on
what other folks are doing... if anything were actually being done with it,
which there isn't.

The dictionary/lexicon of Klingonaase is available online.  I don't know
much about the language, so I assume it's complete, but then again, I only
know what this article tells me.  Look at for the info.  There are
only a few dozen words, if that.  It was just used for some phrases in the

Enjoy.  I'll post the article if people have trouble getting it online.


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