tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Feb 24 03:11:10 1995

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Re: Fwd: Suggestions of new words

  [email protected] wrote:-
(Subject: Fwd: Suggestions of new words):-

  > I have sent hardcopy in letter to KLI of the following suggestions I do
not use any of these suggestions myself yet; I need feedback first ...

  I have run these new words through my analyser, and they seem to be thus:-
  ambig another possible but presumably unintended meaning
  CR    corrected by me
  FA    formation apparently allowed already by TKD
  irreg irregular formation
  NN    new noun compound.
  NR    apparent new Klingon root-word not in TKD.
  NV    noun+verb compound
  V>N   TKD verb used as new noun
  VN    verb+noun compound
  WO    wrong-order compound
  ??    Huh????

'angHal image                   VN      V:[show|reveal] N:source+
'oghpa' = blueprint             -       V:invent VS9:before
  /* "before he invents"? An odd way to express it */
                                ambig   V:invent N:room = "inventor's lab"?
  /* Try {'oghnav} or {'oghghachnav} = NV CR "invent paper" ? */
'ovgho = arena                  NV       V:compete N:circle
'uQpa' = dining room            NN      N:dinner N:room
baH = throw (a ball, eg)        TKD has V:fire_missile. Seems reasonable.
bIDmoH = halve V                irreg   N:half VS4:cause
bIQHal = wellspring             NN      N:water N:source
bIQpum = waterfall              NV      N:water V:[accuse|fall]
                                ambig   N:water N:accusation
  /* These next seem to be by analogy of TKD {bo'Dij} N = "court". If so, they
     are little-endian compounds, the wrong way round for modern Klingon. If
     {bo'} is a NR = "repository", these should be {paqbo'} & {Huchbo'} */
bo'Huch = bank                  # PP:you_pl/[he|it|them] <'> N:money
bo'paq = book repository        # PP:you_pl/[he|it|them] <'> N:book
bo'rav = continent              #       PP:you_pl/[he|it|them] <'> N:floor
  /* seems intended as "floor repository". If so, {ravbo'}? */
chawwI' = license                       # N:torpedoes <w> VS9:[agent|instrument]
  /* Should be:- */
chaw'wI' = license              FA CR   V: allow VS9:[agent|instrument]
chevmoH = isolate V             FA      V:separate VS4:cause
chevwI' = fence                 FA      V:separate VS9:[agent|instrument]
chIpqach = barber shop          VN      V:cut_hair N:[building|structure]
De'wI'tay' = computer network   NV      N:computer V:be_together
Deghnger = symbolism (nger -ism) NN     N:helm N:theory
                               ambig N:[medal|emblem|symbol|insignia] N:theory
DIngnaQ = cycle                         V:spin V:be_[full|whole|entire]*
                                ambig   V:spin N:[cane|staff]*
  /* Seems to imply V>N {DIng} = "rotation" */
  /* Is {DIng} = "spin a thread" correct? Or does it only mean "rotate"? */
DoDnav = paper map              NN      N:mark_in_coordinates N:paper
  /* Seems more suitable for "graph". We need a NR for "map, to map" */
gho'ay' = arc of a circle       NN      N:circle N:section
ghomup = tangent                NV      N:circle V:[impact|strike]
                                ambig   PP:impv/us V:[impact|strike]
go'le' = substandard            irreg   # <go'> V:be_exceptional
  /* Intended to be {gho'le'}? Apparently by analogy of TKD {gho'Do} = N
     "sublight_speed" < {Do} = "velocity". This looks like another attempted
     wrong-way-round compound using NR {gho'} = "the opposite of".
     Try {le'Ha'} = V:be_exceptional VSR: undo ? */
  /* If {Huj} N "electricity" hereinabove is accepted:- */
HuchHal = money mint            NN      N:money N:source
  /* Or more clearly, {HuchlaSvargh} = "money factory"? CR */
Huj     electricity             V>N     V:[be_strange|charge_up]
HujvI'wI' = cathode             NN      "electricity accumulater"
Hujvo'wI' = anode               NN      "something that propels electricity"
HumwI' = glue, mortar, paste    FA      V:be_sticky VS9:[agent|instrument]
Hungngoq = password             NN      N:security N:code
HuvmoH = clear up, remove obstructions
                                FA      V:be_unobstructed VS4:cause
jabwI' = waiter, waitress       FA      V:serve_food VS9:[agent|instrument]
juvwI' = meter                  FA      V:measure VS9:[agent|instrument]
lIngqa' = copy, reproduce       FA      V:produce VS3:[do_again|resume]
loHwI' = administrator          FA      V:administer VS9:[agent|instrument]
                                ambig   N:administration NS4:my_sentient
loj = hole                      V>N     V:be_all_gone
loSDop  square                  -       I:4 N:side
                                ambig   V:[wait|await] N:side "waiting area"?
mi'ghom = set (mathematics)     NN      N:number N:group
mIrmoH = chain, link together   irreg   N:chain VS4:cause
mIwtay' = specifications        NV      N:[procedure|process] V:be_together
mo'Hom = box                    FA      N:cage NS1:diminutive
                                ambig   N:cage N:bone
moQ = playing ball              -       N:sphere
  /* Indeed English `sphere' < Greek {sphaira} = "playing ball" */
morgh = array; arrange (vt)     ambig   V:protest*
  /* apparently extracted from {may'morgh} N battle_array */
nab lutlh       draft           =       "primitive plan"
  /* If the Klingon for "primitive" can be used in this way */
naHchoq = preserves, jams       NV      N:[fruit|vegetable]*+ V:preserve
najjonwI' = dream catcher       NN      N:dream N:engineer
                                NN    N:dream V:capture VS9:[agent|instrument]
  /* Was the coincidence "engineer" = {jonwI'} = "capturer" intended? If so,
     it prevents use of a possible verb *{jon} = "to engineer (verb)" */
navHIjwI' = postman             NN      "paper deliverer"
ngaSmey = [table of] contents   irreg   # V:contain_enclose NS2:pl_gen
ngaSwI' container (has already been used for bucket)
                                FA    V:contain_enclose VS9:[agent|instrument]
noch = senses (vt), feels that  -       N:sensor   noun used as verb
paq Sarmey = encyclopedia, compendium
  /* literally means "varieties of books" and no idea of binding together */
paq'ay' = chapter               NN      N:book N:section
paqchel = appendix              NV      N:book V:add
paqmIch = page                  NN      N:book N:[sector|zone]
  /* Or "area that books are kept in". What is needed here is a Klingon word
  for "leaf" as of tree, or a derivative of a word meaning "side" */
paqnach = header                NN      N:book N:head
paqnav = page                   NN      N:book N:paper
  /* could also mean "paper for printing books on */
paqpa' = den, reading room      NN      N:book N:room
paqqach = library               NN      N:book N:building
paqqam = footnote               NN      N:book N:foot
pat maHvI' = decimal system     WO      N:system,   plus any of:-
                                        I:times_10 V:accumulate
                                    I:times_10 N:[sharpshooting|marksmanship]*
  /* should be {maHvI' pat}? */
pat navHIj      postal service  WO      N:system,   plus
                                        N:paper V:[transport|deliver}_goods*
  /* should be {navHIj pat} */
pIvpoH = time ward              ??      V:be_healthy N:period_of_time
  /* What's a `time ward'?? */
poHwov = star date              WO, ??  N:period_of_time V:be_[light|bright]
  /* "star" = {Hov}. Try {HovpoH}? */
polpa' = pantry, storeroom      VN      V:[keep|save] N:room
qatwI' = wrapper                FA      V:wrap VS9:[agent|instrument]
QobHa' = be_safe                FA      V:be_dangerous VSR:undo
Qongpa' = bedroom               NN      V:sleep N:room
Qujqay' = puzzle (n)            NN V>N  N:game V:be_a_[problem|hassle]
roH = evidence, indication      NR    extracted from TKD {yinroH} N life_signs
ruQwI' = handle, knob, dial (something like that)
                                FA   V:control_manually VS9:[agent|instrument]
Sannger = fatalism              NN      N:fate N:theory
SeStlhegh = vapor trail         NN      N:steam N:[line|rope]
SIPbuD = inert gas              NV      N:gas V:be_lazy
SoQwI' = lid, cover             FA      V:be_shut VS9:[agent|instrument]
Sunchu'wI' = disciplinarian     - N:discipline N:trigger*+
                       - N:discipline V:activate_device VS9:[agent|instrument]
Sutpa' = closet                 NN      N:clothing N:room  /* i.e. wardrobe */
tlhongmab = trade agreement     VN      V:[barter|bargain] N:treaty
tlhongqach = store              NN   V:[barter|bargain] N:[building|structure]
wejDop  triangle                -       I:3 N:side
  /* The next word seems to assume V>N {wov} = "light" (noun) */
wovDIS  light-year              NN      V:be_[light|bright] N:Klingon_year
                                ambig   V:be_[light|bright] N:cave
wovwI'  lamp                    FA  V:be_[light|bright] VS9:[agent|instrument]
wuqHal  criterion               VN      V:decide N:source

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