tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Aug 28 12:34:25 1995

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}} Various songs from shows.

I know that the song from the episode "Birthright" is in HolQeD (I have 
yet to dig it up), but has anyone else transcribed any of the other 
supposidly Klingon songs.  I know they're all hooey as far as tlhIngan 
Hol but I'm working on a project that would include even them.

"For he's a jolly good fellow" from "Parallels" [TNG]
The song the Klingon restaurant owner sings in "Melora" [DS9]
The song the Klingon restaurant owner sings in that DS9 episode with Dax and
	the other Trill initiate.  Playing the concertina.


Lt.Cmdr. Kordite, XO, IKV Dark Justice, Klingon Assault Group
aka Kevin A. Geiselman, Knight Errant, [email protected]

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