tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 10 16:08:16 1995

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}} *Lughnasad* bom

qatlh megh buSbogh bomwIj'e' bojangbe'? chaq bomwIj bopar. lu'. 
*Lughnasad*vaD bomvam vIghItlh. yIlaD 'ej yItIv!

ramvam naQmo' maS maSwov wIlop
'ej maghomchuqqa'mo'

wewchu' ramjep chal bIng DaQammo'
DuD poblIj maSwov je

qaSDI' ramjep *lu DeS tIq* jIHchoH
DucholmoH DeSwIj tIq
qaSHa' poH

* "lu DeS tIq" refers to Lugh of the Long Arm, a great hero from
Celtic mythology. Lugh defeated his grandfather Balor, a Fomorian
who had a giant eye. Balor could kill whole legions with a mere
glance of his eye. Lugh, using either a sling or spear (thus gaining
his name), struck the eye so hard it came out of the back of Balor's 
head and killed entire Fomorian army. Lughnasad celebrates Lugh, the 
upcoming harvest and summer in general. It is held on the Full Moon 
in early August or late July. As it is with most old holidays, it is 
celebrated with much feasting, drinking, and mating!
What's not to like?

- DaQtIq

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