tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 10 00:42:23 1995

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}} General apologies

I had some quality time with myself while I mowed my lawn today, and I
decided I needed to apologize for a bunch of things.

First, I offer a minor apology to d'Armond Speers for mis-capitalizing his
name a few days ago.

Second, I apologize to the list at large for mangling my tlhIngan Hol
response to charghwI' so badly.  HIqva' veql...I mean, HIvqa' veqlargh.  I
figured I really ought to write something in Klingon instead of debating
it, and I'm afraid I'm a bit rusty.  I intended to be gracious and
eloquent, and instead  confused the qa' out of the sincere beginners who
make it a point of translating and understanding every bit of Hol they see.
(I actually woke up in the middle of the night thinking "Oh, no, I used
the wrong prefixes on {jIH DaHIqbe'ba'} and {SoH vIHIqbe'ba'}!"  I didn't
realize I misspelled {HIv}, though.  I was tired when I wrote it, but I was
not drunk.)

I also apologize to you all for writing so much ABOUT the language and not
very much IN it.  I expect most of you are thinking to yourselves, "So
what's the point?  Whether it's really noun-noun or not, we know what it

Next, a special apology to charghwI' for keeping him so occupied in debate.
Perhaps he wouldn't have posted anything in Klingon here anyway, but I
feel at least partly responsible for the dearth of tlhIngan Hol

Finally, I apologize for taking the bait and letting adverbials cloud my
{-wI'} theory.  There is, of course, absolutely no canon support for {QIt
Hergh QaywI'}.  Proposing it made me look silly and seriously undermined my

There, I feel much better now.

 -- ghunchu'wI'

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