tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Aug 08 08:57:35 1995

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Re: Re[6]: }}} Dialects (was:...

>From: [email protected]
>Date: Mon, 07 Aug 95 14:52:40 EST
>Precedence: bulk
>Content-Type: text
>Content-Length: 1037

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>On Mon, 7 Aug 1995 Mark E. Shoulson wrote: 

>>FWIW, the Hamlet translation calls the King "ta'" and the Queen "ta'be'". Yes, 
>>we know it sounds like "didn't accomplish."  Life's rough. 

>"ta'be'" doesn't just sound like "didn't accomplish", it is it.  Those of us 
>just starting would see a verb & suffix and translate as such.  Also, to me, 
>"emperor female" sounds strange. 

Yes, it "is" "didn't accomplish."  But "petaQ" "is" "you all, be weird!"
also, and yet it has another meaning.  And "HIja'" "is" "tell me!", but
also means "yes."  Homophony is not something we can avoid in Klingon.

>I still don't see what is wrong with putting <be'> first.  After a quick glance 
>through TKD there are 3 female nouns that start with <be'> and only 1 that ends 
>with it.  (1 with a noun, 1 with a verb, & 1 unknown.)  There are 2 other nouns 
>that end in <be'>.  <lo'laHbe'> when it's a verb suffix.  And <rewbe'> (citizen)
>were it seems to be part of the word.  Having <be'> at the front of the word 
>seems so easy.

I don't think it's wrong.  It's a matter of personal preference/style.


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