tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Aug 02 00:16:53 1995

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Re: }} Need some advice..

>It looks to me like it translates best as two sentences.  The first
>sentence is the command "do not greet Death."  The second sentence has a
>main part "punch him repeatedly in the throat" and a subordinate clause "as
>he drags you away."  The main part appears to consist of the command "punch
>him repeatedly" and a locative "in the throat," but I don't think it means
>that you should be standing in the throat when you punch him.  I think it
>would translate better as "punch his throat repeatedly."  Putting the
>clauses together in conventional Klingon order, it would be:
>"You(imperative) don't greet Death."
>"While he is dragging you away, you(imperative) repeatedly punch his throat."
>I hope I haven't done too much work for you. :-)

  No, not too much, I do have one question, how do you decide what is the 
main part and what is the subordinate clause? 


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