tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Aug 01 18:56:33 1995

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}} Re:

>Once again, when translating N-N stuff from Klingon to English, imagine
>leaving the words in the same order and using "'s" between them.  Same from
>English to Klingon.  So "nav puch" becomes "<nav>'s <puch>" which is
>"paper's toilet".  It's a kind of toilet, not a kind of paper.
>If you're thinking of the ordering in terms of "X of the Y", you have it
>backwards.  Do NOT use "of the", use "'s" when reckoning ordering.
>So "paper of the toilet" is really "toilet's paper" which is "puch nav".


  In those last paragraphs you've completely cleared this up for me, thank 
you. I can only wish that TKD had footnotes that describes things that way. 
(it would help people like me who was "too cool" to pay attention in school, 
but has since then grown up somewhat and like to learn )

[email protected]

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