tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 30 15:47:23 1995

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Re: bIjatlh 'e' yImev

~mark wrote:
> [...] "Participate" in English is, in
> a very real sense, a transitive verb.  It's just that it's object is always
> governed by the preposition "in" (you participate in something).

I see it differently.  "Participate" is intransitive and takes no object.
The "in" is exactly what it looks like:  an indication of "where" one is
participating.  One participates in-a-game; in-a-discussion; in-a-plot; etc.
The "where" isn't precisely a physical location, but more of a "conceptual"
location.  "I participate in playing a game" can be changed to "I participate
in order to play a game," which is easily translated to tlhIngan Hol.  The
"with Maltz and Mara" part doesn't fit well into what I can handle, though.
Perhaps this:
{moQHom lulo'taHvIS *matlh *mara je QujmeH Hoch jeSmeH *worgh chaH tlhej ghaH}

-- ghunchu'wI'

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