tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 28 11:06:11 1995

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Could someone check this for me

        I'm still trying to learn Klingon, and for practice I'm trying to
translate some of my favorite sayings. (and I'm taking the postal course,
just send lesson 4 back the other day). What I'm trying to translate is "We
gladly feast on those who would subdue us" and what I've come up with so far is

  nupujmoHqangbogh SoplI' matIv

        I'm not sure if I have it translated as close as I can (though I
think so) and I'm not sure if the sentence structure is correct. (I suck at
English sentence structure (and grammer for that matter) so I'm having a bit
of trouble with tlhIngan. If someone can push me in the right direction to
correct my translation, without actually translating for me (I want to
learn!) I'd appreciate it.  


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