tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 28 04:55:43 1995

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Re: transitive?!? (was Re: bIjatlh 'e' yImev)

On Fri, 28 Apr 1995, naQ'avwI' wrote:
> i don't understand the terms "transitive" and "intransitive", could 
> someone please explain (in layman's terms, as i'm not a linguist ... 

transitive - having a direct object (the verb is done to something)
     ex: to hit     I hit him.

intransitive - not having a direct object (the verb is simply done)
     ex: to run     I run.

Pick up any dictionary (even foreign language dictionaries) and each verb 
will be marked as either vt (transitive) or vi (intransitive).  Actually 
many verbs can be used as either and will have both meanings explained.  
The problem is that TKD does NOT mark the verbs as vt or vi and so we are 
left to guess whether qIp (to hit) can be used transitively (I hit you.) or 
intransitively (I hit.)  This is a case that's pretty obviously both, but 
there are some where it is not so clear.


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