tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Apr 26 22:47:23 1995

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KLBC: Present tense of verbs

Hot diggety dawg, I finally have a reason to post here.

OK, as a tlhIngan Hol neophyte, I have a few questions.

Present tense question.
When I learned Spanish and French, we always translated something like 
'Yo hablo' as 'I speak; I do speak; I am speaking'. So, in tlhIngan Hol, in 
translating (jIjatlh) may I translate it as (I speak; I am speaking; I do 
speak), or am I stuck with just (I speak)?

Verb suffixes (Type 5)
Does (-lu') translate as (it)? Here I must admit to ignorance as to what is 
actually meant by 'indifinite subject'.

Does this translate as (targh breath) ?

Are there any errors in TKD? Actually, I remember reading somewhere that 
Marc (or the typsetter ... don't you kinda feel for those poor guys?) did 
make a small error or two in TKD. Can I have a list of 'corrections' that I 
need to make in my copy of TKD? Are these mistakes called (Qaghmey)?

What I remember most from my formal foreign language tuition in the past is 
that I wound up learning more English than anything else. Seems to still be 
the case.

Thanks all



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