tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 21 12:22:39 1995

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Re: Easter translation

 As a Hebrew speaker, I should be able to shed some light on the subject.
Hallelujah (or however you prefer to spell it) does indeed start with a 'h'
sound, the Hebrew letter 'hay'. However, the Halelu is pronounced with the
'e' sound, like in the word 'yet'- phonetically "ha-leh-loo". The 'h' at the
end of 'yah' is NOT pronounced.
>The Hebrew is "hal'luyah", with an h at the beginning.  Argh, I don't have
>a text with me to verify the precise pointing, but I think I can work it
>out grammatically.
>"Hal'luyah" is a compound of "Hal'lu" + "yah".  The first word is a plural
>command: "Praise!"  I believe it's spelled h, then "a" (qamatz), then l
>(single l), then a "moving" shwa (i.e. sounded, not silent), then another l
>and u.  "Yah" is a name of God, a contraction of the tetragrammaton.  It's
>spelled "y" and "a" (qamatz), followed by a *consonantal* h.  The final h
>in this word (unlike most in Hebrew) is *pronounced* (and written with a
>dot in it).  

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