tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 11 13:17:29 1995

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CK tape (klbc?)

I was listening again to the conversational klingon tape, while trying
to write down what was said in klingon. It went quite well until I came
to the clock. They say that the time is said "the military way",
6 am is 6 hundred ours, and so on. Now, the klingon for this is
        javvatlh rep
(that's what is sounds like too). And it means 600 h1=, so it seems
to be good, but then we get noon. I figure, that's 1200 h1=, so I'd say
        wa'SaD cha'vatlh rep
but that's _not_ what Okrand is saying. To me, what he says sounds like
        cha'maH wa'vagh rep
which is 20 100 h1ur (120 sh1uld be wa'vagh cha'maH, right?)
Do I not understand what he is saying, or do I not understand counting and
clockwatching, or is Okrand wrong (not likely, I think).
7pm, (1900 h1=s) sounds to me as
        wa'mach Hutvatlh rep
and this could be said as 19 hundred h1urs, but then, that's not used in 
TKD. Can anyone explain this to me?
And something else, I noticed a few words, which are not listed in TKD,
can someone tell me if I heard these words correctly?
    'eq - be early 
    Sum - near
    Qutlh - be cheap
    vargh - be expensive
Oh well, maybe I should just find out how to get money tghUS and order
th1se old HolQeD with all those new words (and ofcourse, become KLI member)
Too bad the banks collect such huge amounts of money when transferring money.
It's a significant part of the money :-(.

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