tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 10 07:41:10 1995

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jIchegh 'ej HivtaH veqlargh

jabbI'IDHommey pagh labta' De'wI'wIj jay'.
De'wI'mey rarbogh pat'e' De'wI'wIj je rarbe' baStlheghHommey.
patDaq vI' jabbI'IDHom 'ej lISIchbe'.
DaH vIlI'nISqa'.

Bleah.  While vacationing this past week, I wrote a few notes (on paper).
I had planned to type them up and send them all at once upon my return.
I didn't think four notes would clog up the mailing list.  Now I find
that many notes I thought I had sent before my vacation never actually
made it off my computer.  Forgive the sudden flood of Klingon language,
or embrace it, or curse it, or ignore it.  I'm going to send them all
even if they DO clog up the list.

I was going to include in each note I wrote this week the date it was
written.  I guess I'll extend that to the ones that are being resent.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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