tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Apr 05 10:33:04 1995

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Klingons' house

I know this does not have much to do with Klingon laguague but I actually get  
responses from people here.  

After seeing 'Redemption' again, I started to question whose house is it. The  
honor of the House of Mogh was restored in Redemption, but Mogh is dead.  (Mogh  
being Worf and Kurn's father).
 Worf it the elder brother, but he serves in Star Fleet, so can it be called  
the House of Worf?  Or because his brother Kurn is a captan of a Bird of Prey  
is it correct to say the House of Kurn? 

Also the Klingons view the family history and honor of a family as important.
So wouldn't it be important that each House have an emblem that represents  
them?  Just like many families of Europeon countries had 'coats of arms' in the  
past and some still have.  Klingon's might refer to the symbols as the 'House  
of arms' or 'coats of the house'.  will write more buthave to go now..


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