tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 28 21:41:59 1994

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Mythcon 1994: Meet Lawrence Schoen!


Dr. Lawrence Schoen, the Director of the Klingon Language
Institute, will be an invited speaker at Mythcon 1994.
On Saturday, Aug. 6, he will present a paper on Klingon and 
participate in a panel on Invented Languages. All are
welcome to attend. 

Mythcon details follow:

This is an EMAIL Flyer for MYTHCON 1994.                 *
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    ||      J.R.R.Tolkien - C.S.Lewis - Charles Williams   ||
    ||                                                     ||
   /  \                                                   /  \
The Mythopoeic Society, devoted to the study and enjoyment of these 3
authors, is hosting its annual conference at American Univ. in Washington,
D.C. on August 5-8, 1994.  The theme this year is THE LANGUAGE OF MYTH.

Mythcon is a weekend event spent talking and goofing around with a lot of
people who are interested in Fantasy Literature and everything else. 
Typical activities are Paper presentations, Panel discussions, an Art Show,
a costumed Masquerade, a Banquet, Workshops, Dealers' Tables (so you can
sell or buy) and lots of fun.  Everyone is welcome.

Guests of Honor will be Verlyn Flieger, author of "Splintered Light";
Madeleine L'Engle, author of "A Wrinkle in Time" and other fantasy
stories; Judith Mitchell, fantasy artist; and other invited speakers.

Scheduled papers feature such topics as:
   - the use of language in myth, legend, and fantasy writing.
   - other aspects of mythopoeia
   - the study of Elvish and other invented languages.
   - translation of fantasy literature into foreign languages.
   - literary tests of authorship, esp. as applied to C.S.Lewis' work.
   - Enlightenment, Victorian, and Edwardian fantasists.
   - the role of fantasy and myth in film

Membership is  $55 (32 Pounds Sterling). Write US checks to "Mythcon" 
and mail to:
   Irv Koch
   5465 N Morgan Street, #106
   Alexandria, VA   22312
Write British checks in Pounds Sterling (the amounts in parentheses
above) to "Wendell Wagner" and mail to the same address (Irv Koch).

On-campus room and board reservation forms will be sent upon
receipt of membership.

If you have any questions, e-mail Irv Koch at:
   [email protected]

**We would appreciate it very much if you would print this out and share
it with people who might be interested.  Thank you very much.


|         Carl F. Hostetter      [email protected]           |
|                                                                   |
|                    Ars longa, vita brevis.                        |
|          The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.            |
|  "I wish life was not so short," he thought.  "Languages take     |
|  such a time, and so do all the things one wants to know about."  |

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