tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 28 07:31:24 1994

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Re: KLBC (old)- SaQum

        Reply to:   RE>>KLBC (old)- SaQum
jatlh charghwI':
>So is the problem that I am using {-meH} to link with a verb
>that is negated? If I said {tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhmeH jIpo'},
>would that mean that I am skilled at speaking Klingon? 

I think the negation complicates things, by adding an ambiguity
that others have discussed: what part of the sentence are we
negating?  I think {jISo'meH jIchuSbe'} can mean either the obvious
"I am not-noisy in order that I hide", but could also mean "I am
not (being noisy in order to hide)".  This second meaning is a 
denial of the statement {jISo'meH jIchuS}.  

But I don't think the original problem is solely due to the negation.
The original issue revolves around the meaning of -meH.  I view
-meH (perhaps too narrowly) as implying PURPOSE.  I would
agree with ~mark that {tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhmeH jIpo'} does 
not mean "I am skilled at speaking Klingon."  To me, it says "I am 
skilled in order to speak Klingon"; that is, I am deliberately being 
skilled for the purpose of speaking Klingon.  It seems the same 
construct as  {tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhmeH nujwIj vIvIHmoH}, where the
purpose connotation is clearer.

[email protected]

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