tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jun 27 02:07:29 1994

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Re: Costume

In message <[email protected]>you write:
>Where/how does one get a head piece and costume to 
>look like a Klingon?  I know there has to be a good asnwer out there since 
>some of you all obviously do have such things.
I too want a crab-head. :) Let's talk about this lots.
By the by, how did y'all pick your Klingon names? I think I need one.

Tony Reynolds|[email protected]|Telecomm Analyst II|(601)232-7206
Given a sufficient number of "scientists," at least one of them will propose a
fractal model for a given problem. -- Tony's Law of Fractal Propogation, 1993

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