tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jun 24 05:42:59 1994

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New list software update

I've today made a change to the list software that should make life
a little easier for me, and hopefully shouldn't cause any difficulties
for anyone else.

>From now on, when messages are bounced from a subscriber back to the
tlhIngan-Hol-request alias, the software will attempt to parse the
bounce message to determine whether it can take any action by itself.
What that means for now is that if a bounce comes back as "unknown
host" or "unknown user", that user will be removed from the mailing
list automatically to limit the number of bounce messages that I have
to deal with. If the user or host is truly unknown, then no one will
notice the user's removal. If, however, you suddenly don't receive
anything from the list and if, after a few days, you suspect you've
been accidentally dropped, please send mail to the -request alias with
the subject line "attention" and I'll look into it immediately.


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