tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jun 19 14:22:59 1994

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Father's Day Messages

I offered this:

	batlh puqpu'Daj qeqta' vavlI' 'e' puqpu'chaj qeqjaj puqpu'lI'

without a translation.  I intended something along these lines:

	May your children raise their children as honorably
	as your father raised his.

Possibly replacing `... his.' with `... you.'  (Thus changing the Klingon
to "batlh SoH Duqeqta' vavlI'...")

That's what we call a "dynamic equivalence" translation, but it was as
close as I could get.  (Breaking down the `you' version more literally:

	with honor  you  he/you-train-ed  father-your
	child-ren-their  train-may  child-ren-your

I *think*.)

d'Armond Speers rendered it thusly:

"With honor, your father prepared his children so that your children 
may prepare their children."

apparently reading `that' as intending "so that".  I had intended it
to mean "the previous sentence", as in "May your children train their
children as described in the previous sentence".

He also noted that the word rendered `may' refers to a wish, and it would
work better with `can'.  For his translation, I agree about his tuning.
However, my initial goal was the "May your children train their children as
your father trained you" notion.  Can an Official Grammarian tell me how
close I got and what I should have said differently?

And is "Suvbe'wI'" a reasonable attempt at "pacifist"?

Darren F Provine / [email protected]

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