tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jun 19 14:20:32 1994

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Holodiction '94

A very brief report on Holodiction '94, Sydney, yesterday (Sun).

I managed to arrive just in time to catch all of Michael Dorn's
address. He was as witty and charming as would be expected, and
the crowd loved it. They way he spoke of the other crew members
suggested he has the most fun on the sets with Patrick Stewart
and Brent Spiner, and he has a lot of respect for Marina Sirtis,
who is "greatly underused".
Someone said they had been listening to CK, and asked him if he
could speak Klingon. "..isn't that great/cute..", he said referring
to the tape (and probably tlh. H. in general). And no, he cannot
speak any Klingon, but he did explain to the audience that "nuqneH"
was a greeting...

On the whole, H '94 was a little disappointing for Klingonists.
The "no smoking" signs were subtitled " tlhIchQo' ", which doesn't
seem quite right to me (what would be better?). They later showed
an Entertainment Tonight episode which was based entirely around
the sets for ST:VII GEN., with those two "reporters" (which I refuse
to believe are real people).
There was an item on the Klingon Camp in this show, showing Dr. L.S. 
introducing some newcomers to tlh. H., and as well featured a morning
flag-raising ceremony with a Klingon singing " taHjaj wo'... " 
(would that have been HoD Qanqor? And when was this filmed/taped?)

So Nick, I have to say that I don't think you really missed too
much. Later in the night, they showed "Firstborn" and then "All
Good Things", the latter I didn't stick around for. (We're only 
up to season 5 on Aus. TV and spoilers ahead of time ruin the
continuity a little for me. "Oh no, it's information about the
future...I refuse to accept the responsibility...!" However, the 
audience went absolutely nuts at the end of the teaser when they
realised it was AGT.)

Anyway, that's all!   mangHom Paul M.vo'  *** rIntaH JabbI'ID ***

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