tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jun 18 01:21:12 1994

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KSRP: Hamlet progress report

Well, 31 K done so far; probably something like a quarter of the play. I'm
getting Guido to do the prose of the play, which is about a quarter of it
(but there's some quite challenging stuff there.)

I may be misremembering, but even though my vocab and grammar is much better 
than at the start of the year, this is much harder and slower work. I 
anticipated this: more verse, more complex thought, more cultural specifics 
to resolve. The pentameter is still... brutal, but you do what you can.

All the songs, the play within the play, and the soliloquies have been done
(I think I've missed the one right after Hamlet talks with the Ghost). I'm
now going through the major speeches, and have just done Polonius' "Neither
a borrower nor a lender be" speech (Act I Scene 3). The idea is, if we're 
running out of time, I hand over the remaining verse to Guido to do as prose.

Now how do I put this while being discrete, and humble to boot? Come hell or
high water, Hamlet is getting published this November. If I can convince
Lawrence of it, Much Ado and the Sonnets will be in the same volume. For this 
to happen, we need to make sure the Klingon in the plays is kosher. Please 
look at the texts --- they're being regularly updated in the ftp server; too
regularly, I'm sure Matt would say --- and make any comments you feel like


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