tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jun 08 01:31:54 1994

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Re: Summer Events

If any of this was answered in the tlhIngan part of the previous letter, I 
apologize.  I am still not yet caught up with answering my email (although I 
do *read* it on time...), and am trying only to reply to those things which 
have a timelimt associated with them, while I get the rest of my mail up to 

This isn't easy, but it gives me something to do. ;)

Guido #1vo':

>This is the second year in a row that I haven't been able to attend any sort
>of Klingon summer activity. Next year, I'm going out of my way to see you
>guys face to face.
>Btw, anyone in Ohio besides trI'Qal?

Guido, if the reason you can't attend is because you don't have 
transportation, you DO have transportation.  I will be driving over, and would 
be more than happy to come and pick you up on the way.

On the other hand, if it is because of time constraints, or some such, I can't 
do dang thing about that. {{:(

--HoD trI'Qal
  tlhwD lIy so'

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