tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 07 23:10:14 1994

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Re: tam poHvo'

According to Lori Hatcher:
> From: Lori Hatcher
>       I really can't believe that this discussion list has degraded itself
> to the topic of Klingon breasts.  But since it has...,
>       I seem to recall that the "One or both?"  women Riker encountered
> in "Matter of Honor"  both donned more standard attire than did the sisters
> of Duras.  And the women protrayed in birthrite were also covered more
> fully.  So I'm not convinced that >all< evidence has indicated that Klingon
> women are necessarily so well endowed.
> Ka'lIy

Sorry this seems degrading. If so, I think the message should
go to Paramount. Yes, several women have been more fully
clothed as Klingons, but it was still quite apparent that the
clothing was covering what would be for a human a rather
extreme figure. It seems that when casting and costuming
Klingon women, the ST folks choose large breasts as surely as
they choose lumpy foreheads.

Of course, among humans and other life forms presented by Star
Trek, much the same can be said.

As I said before, I'd be quite happy if this were not the case.
I choose my friends by something closer to the soul than a
genetically determined shape of any body part, and by far I've
been more impressed with the fire portrayed by these actresses
than by what I merely observe to be a consistent choice for
Paramount to show Klingon women with a figure more uniform than
that among the men.

I'm reminded of the scene in THE LAST ACTION HERO when the kid
points out that they are obviously in the movies because there
aren't any ugly people, ESPECIALLY among the women.

In particular, I'm stricken by how frequently we are shown men
of substantial girth, yet all the women look like they are
aerobics instructors. There is obviously a very sexist
criterion set up for casting Klingons. While I very much enjoy
watching beautiful women, I do not enjoy the clear message that
it is fine for men to be fat, so long as they exhibit strong
character, but all the women must always be stunningly
beautiful. How long will it be before we see a Klingon woman
with a figure comparable to the male cook on DS9?

None of this is because I like looking at large people. It is
merely because I dislike this double standard. When I see
something this stupid, my response tends to be to try to
present it in a humorous way. Unfortunately, one person's humor
is another person's insult. The vast majority of humor insults
SOMEBODY, and given the alternative of never experiencing
humor, I sometimes risk being repremanded.

muneH chaH 'e' Sovta'be' neH "Paramount"

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