tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 07 07:42:35 1994

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Re: Summer Events

I am highly likely to attend the Philly Phling.  I mostly wanted to comment
about charghwI's position re: pizza toppings.

Our outlooks are most similar, in terms of non-absolute non-militant moral
preference.  The only difference is that I come from the opposite moral
position, which I got from a former housemate.  He would ONLY eat meat,
claiming "I refuse to eat anything that didn't have a chance to get away."

Just food for thought {{:-)

So, in any case, I'm big on the sausage and pepperoni gig, and pretty weak
on the veggies, with the notable exception of black olives, which I *love*.
And, of course, a good bad-breath-special pizza (garlic & onion) is always

I thought the romuluS HIq we had at camp last summer was pretty fine; any
chance we could snag that recipe?  Lawrence?


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