tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 07 05:22:48 1994

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Re: Summer Events

Because of the time limit on this, I am going to take the time to respond to 
this before I delve into the rest of the pile of email I owe the list. (and 
some private messages as well... :/)

>Thank you to those of you who have responded so quickly, and so
>enthusiastically, to the idea of a small gathering here in Philadelphia.


>1) whether you want a single or double occupancy room (and if the latter, do
>you have a roomie in mind, or want to be assigned one)?

I would certainly be delighted to share a room... so long as the other person 
is *female*.  (Sorry guys.  I certainly love y'all, but not *THAT* much. {{:| 
)  If I am the only person of the more *viscious* sex {{;) attending, then I 
will happily room alone.

>2) your preferred soft beverage (e.g., Pepsi, Diet Coke, Yoo-hoo), and list
>an alternative or two.

Preferred is this really neat stuff called Quest; however, I will also drink 
Ginger Ale, 7-Up, or possibly Sprite or Slice... but of all of these, 7-Up 
comes in most fav.

>3) what you really like to have on your pizza (e.g., anchovies, mushrooms,
>italian sausage)

Unlike jupwI', charghwI', I like *meat*.  NO anchovies!  (RETCH!!).  
Generally, I am most happy with just an X-cheeze 'za, or one with 

>4) what you can't stand (for either philosophical or moral grounds) on your

See above comment on anchovies.

Although I don't mind having 'za with (some) veggies on it, don't be suprised 
(or offended?) if I pick 'em all off. {{;)

>If we can pull this off, it will be my very great pleasure to spring for a
>pizza party for the lot of you.  And if I can get my hands on some hersey's
>syrup and gummi worms, we'll have qagh.


I don't recall WHO or WHERE, but someone I knew mentioned having once had 
*real* qagh... ie, real, live worms.  S/he said it was pretty good, no less.  
Was it someone here...?


Well, this changes my summer plans drastically (and *thankfully*!).  I was 
originally planning to run up to MN, *IF* I could scrape enough cash together 
to go... which I was beginning to wonder about.  I will most assuredly be 
heading down to Philly instead.  (For the uninformed, I was born in Philly, 
and spent the first 8 years of my life in two of the suburbs around it, so 
this will be like a small home-coming fer me!  {{:) )

Hm.  Depending *where* in/near Philly this is, I might be able to stay at a 
realtive's... hm....

So for anyone who was planning on seeing me in MN: unless yer going to Philly, 
our paths won't cross. {{:(

--HoD trI'Qal
  tlhwD Still-trying-to-get-her-email-up-to-date

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