tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jun 06 09:21:46 1994

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pIqaD diacritics

All over my _Much Ado_, the clowns (Dogberry, Verges, and the watchmen) speak
in dialect. That is, Dogberry and Verges substitute N (retroflex nasal) for
D, and M for b (I write it as M to distinguish it from m); the Watch, whose
dialect is less strong (they use far less -bej's than Dogberry!) say ND and
Mb. Dogberry also says ts for tlh, following the "sojvets o nuk" line in PK,
and drops his initial glottal stops. Very occasionally, all this makes for the
odd pun.

My question is, how do we notate this in pIqaD?

What we need for N is n plus some diacritic. But there aren't many diacritics
that will work in pIqaD: anything above or below a letter will kill the flow
of the text, and digraphs won't work. I've settled on superscripted (pIqaD) 0
to distinguish ts from tlh, N from D, etc. Does anyone else have any ideas?


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