tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jun 17 15:39:46 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Time and Type 7 verb suffixes

ghunchu'wI' 'utlh ([email protected])

On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 3:31 PM, David Trimboli <[email protected]> wrote:
> When I heard about the editing session, I complained about editing by
> committee. You read that yourself.

I did read that, but I read it in response to a mention of doing the
Facebook translation. I don't remember you saying anything like it
about the paq'batlh sessions.

Your more recent gripe was much more narrow: those who try to advance
the paq'batlh as embodying correct usage are the ones who helped
correct it. In the specific case of Type 7 verb suffixes, I can't
remember any corrections being suggested, much less applied.

> If I had been there I wouldn't have been
> any happier about it. Not because I think editing by committee can't work,
> but because I knew that anything the committee churned out was going to be
> hailed as authentic Klingon. Authentic Klingon by a committee of
> non-Klingons. I'd be happier with the original, error-ridden text with a
> note that it is known to have errors. Or an acceptance of the work as by
> Klingons but edited by Terrans studying Klingon and hence a step away from
> "definitely how Klingons speak or write." If I had been there I *still*
> would have preferred this.

Don't get the idea that we rewrote the thing.  It wasn't really like a
"translation by committee" project. Would you be happier thinking of
it as a *proofreading* session?

We had a large portion of a practically finished work presented to us,
and we were asked to look it over. We asked Marc about absolutely
everything that we thought might have been an error, or was
potentially confusing, or didn't quite match something that appeared
elsewhere in the text with the same or similar meaning. We wrote on
the pages and indicated in the margins where he agreed that something
needed attention. Any corrections or revisions to the final document
were made by Marc himself (or perhaps by someone else based on
specific instructions from him) well after the session was over.
Additionally, we definitely didn't see everything that ended up in the
published book.

Actually, I seem to recall that one phrase did get significantly
reworked by the "committee". I can't remember the details, but I know
an entire sentence was written down in pen as a replacement for one
that was there. It was likely something that was unusually hard to
understand as written and made more sense with a shift of focus from
action to object, or vice versa. I'm reasonably certain that it didn't
involve aspect suffixes.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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