tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jun 16 21:31:39 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Time and Type 7 verb suffixes

ghunchu'wI' ([email protected])

On Jun 16, 2012, at 9:36 PM, Qov <[email protected]> wrote:

>> I can think of one immediately: {nughoS jagh} from the Conversational
>> Klingon battle vignette.
> That's a good one, but being in battle it could arguably be said to be clipped.

In clipped Klingon, prefixes apparently get lost before suffixes do. The rest of the scene does have one obviously clipped command: {baH!} Everything else seems perfectly ordinary.

>> (The abundant paq'batlh examples are apparently tainted by having been
>> read before publication by a group that did not include SuStel, so I
>> won't detail them here.)
> yIvaqQo'.

qotlhbe''a? ghantoH lajQo'. bav'egh meqmaj 'e' qap.

> But let it be asked: does anyone recall deleting or changing aspect suffixes as we worked?  As I said before, I don't remember doing it.

I was on the group across the table, and I don't recall any of us noticing aspect suffixes as either missing or unexpectedly present. There were a couple of prefixes that got fixed for subject/object agreement, a sentence or two that had the words in the wrong order, and I think one trivial misspelling. I seem to remember a largish paragraph that got rewritten for better parallelism with another one, and a sentence that got reused later for the same reason, but the use or non-use of aspect suffixes was not among our changes.

The biggest change I can think of was when a word we'd never seen before got edited out because the meaning was conveyed perfectly using already known vocabulary. The word did appear elsewhere in the text with more nuanced meaning, and it turned out to be a perfect answer to another ambiguity we pointed out, so we didn't feel guilty about removing its first appearance.

The text we reviewed was a paper copy. Our notes and corrections were made in the margins and gutters, with a scattering of informal proofreader-style marks. I wonder if those papers survive--they would be a great souvenir for the KLI's collection.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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