tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jan 21 02:12:59 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' wa'vatlh wejmaH wej: <qama' mIwmey>

De'vID jonpIn ([email protected])

<p>Quvar: <br>
&gt; rav vIvel jIH. &#39;oH vIvelmeH tlhIm vIlo&#39;.<br>
&gt; mInDu&#39;lIj vIvel jIH. bIH vIvelmeH ghopwIj vIlo&#39;.</p>
<p>Based on your quote below from MO, {rav vIvel jIH} should mean something like &quot;I&#39;m lying on the floor&quot;, &quot;I&#39;m covering the floor (with my body)&quot;.</p>
<p>I think it suffices to say {mInDu&#39;lIj vel ghopDu&#39;wIj}.  (That is, assuming {vel} can be used in this sense.)  Or if you want to make the doer more explicit, {mInDu&#39;lIj velmeH ghopDu&#39;wIj vIlo&#39;}.</p>

&gt; FYI, here is the quote from MO:<br>
&gt; One can say {rav vel tlhIm} (&quot;the carpet covers the floor&quot;). To to say &quot;lay a carpet,&quot; one says &quot;use a carpet to cover the floor,&quot; or {rav velmeH tlhIm lo}&#39;.  The person who lays the carpet is a velwI&#39; (literally &quot;coverer, coater, masker&quot;).</p>

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