tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jan 16 22:55:22 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' wa'vatlh cha'maH cha': <QIptaH>

De'vID jonpIn ([email protected])

> > "SuQaybe'pu' verghDaq mapawDI' lIQay wo'.”

> SuQaybe'pu'chugh, qar'a'?
> You used {Qay} twice in this sentence, with the person changing ships
> once as subject and once as object. I'll accept it either way, but I'd
> rather not have to switch back and forth. (I'm inclined to prefer the
> thing being transferred as the object based on the example of {Hergh
> QaywI'}, but I recognize that it's not a powerful example.)

There's also {HoS QaymeH 'och} from the BoP poster.  Also, if {Qay}
was intransitive, I'd have expected its definition to be "be
transferred".  This isn't definitive, of course, but I think the canon
suggests it takes an object.

But does {Qay} even work for "transfer" in the sense of going from
serving on one ship to serving on another, or going from travelling on
one ship to travelling on another?  It seems like it means "transfer"
in the sense of "to move a substance from one place to another", based
on the two (admittedly not very conclusive) canon examples.


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