tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jan 09 10:00:22 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Klingon subtitles for Star Trek episodes/movies?

De'vID jonpIn ([email protected])

&gt; &gt; Has anyone subtitled any complete Star Trek episode or movie in Klingon?</p>
<p>QeS &#39;utlh:<br>
&gt; Yes. I&#39;ve prepared subtitles for &quot;First Contact&quot;; I completed them for qep&#39;a&#39;<br>
&gt; last year, though unfortunately we never quite got around to watching the<br>
&gt; subtitled version I put together. But I&#39;m more than happy to send around<br>
&gt; copies of the .SSA subtitle file to anyone who&#39;s interested, and if people<br>
&gt; want to embed the subtitles into a movie file I&#39;ll gladly walk them through<br>
&gt; the process.</p>
<p>I don&#39;t have that movie, and in general I&#39;m more of a TOS fan than TNG.  I&#39;d love to watch any movie or show with Klingon subtitles though (or even better, with a Klingon dub -- but that&#39;s probaby too ambitious to be realisable).  I think watching Star Trek with Klingon subtitles would be a fantastic way for people to learn the language.</p>

<p>Is there any reason you used .SSA rather than .SRT?  Is it because it lets you use pIqaD?  I thought about hard-subbing pIqaD, but there are probably not that many people who could read it fast enough to watch a movie with it.  Better to stay with the Latin transcription.</p>

<p>Would people be interested in subtitling Star Trek episodes and movies on this mailing list?  We can start with episodes/movies involving Klingons... that&#39;s enough work to occupy people for a long time.</p>
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