tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jan 03 08:36:34 2012

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[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' wa'vatlh wa'maH jav: <jabbI'ID>

Qov ([email protected])

vajar suddenly remembered that he had an important message to send.<br>
<div align="center">116<br><br>
?HIja',? SIbI' jatlh 'avwI'. ?HItlhej.? pa'HomDaq Dev 'avwI'. pa' QumwI'
cham tu'lu'. jatlh 'avwI', ?naDev QInlIj yIqon. ngoq Dalo'nISchugh net
chaw'. labbeHDI' qawHaqDaq yIpol 'ej Quv yIqon. tugh lI' QumpIn. vay' pav
DalabnIS 'e' pIH ra'wI'ma'. chobDaq qaloSlI'.? mej 'avwI'. vay' pav lab
vajar 'e' loSmo' qImyal Sa' Dajqu' ghu'. 'avwI' ghuHmoHta' je! qImyalvaD
jatlhDI' vajar pagh pegh, nepbe' 'a pegh pIHlaw'taH qImyal.<br><br>
jIH tlhopDaq ba'choH vajar 'ej jatlh'eghrupmoH. qonwI' chu'. jatlhchoH.
'ungya tennuSvaD *Dugh* Qugh DelchoH. HanDogh, weHwI'pu', 'ungya ta' je
DeltaH. yoHmo' 'ungya *Dugh* toDta' 'a 'ungya lutoDlaHbe'. 'ungya Heghbat
DelchoHDI' taj much vajar 'ej tlhay cha'. batlh Heghpu' 'e' 'olpu' Qel
je. cheghlaHbe'mo' tey' 'e' pay vajar. HemlaHbej qorDu'Daj 'a ghaytan 'IQ
je. taj SeQ ngeH 'e' lay' vajar. Duj Dotlh DelmeH jatlh, ?*Dugh* lutI'
wo' jonwI'pu' 'e' vItul.? vanmeH jatlh ?wo' wItoy'.? mu'tlheghvetlh
maSlaw' qImyal vaj jabbI'ID jIHDI' chaq belmoH. pagh ngoq lo'. Heghvetlh
HemlaH wo' naQ. HoD 'utlh Quv qonDI' vajar, pa' mej. loSlI'bogh 'avwI'vaD
jatlh, ?pItlh.?<br><br>
Sojpa'Daq vajar Dor 'avwI'. tInqu' pa' 'ej chuSqu'. pa' cha'vatlh
tlhInganpu' lutu'lu' 'ej nay'na' SoptaH. ngopDaq Ha'DIbaH ghoQqu', qagh,
pIpyuS pach je leghlaH 'ej qeyvaq Ha'DIbaH larghlaH. pa'Daq cha'maH cha'
raS tIq tu'lu' 'ej Hoch raSDaq ba'taH HIp tuQtaHbogh tlhIngan SuvwI'pu'.
Soj SuqmeH jengva' woH 'ej tebwI'pu' chol. Qaj tlhuQ, qagh, ghab 'ay' je
tlhap vajar. ghab ngu'laHchu'be' 'ach 'oHDaq ratlhmo' ghISDenHey ghaytan
lung Segh 'oH. 'oHDaq chanDoq lIch tebwI'. jengva' buy' qengtaHvIS,
Hota'ro' pong Qoy. pa' 'elpu' Hota'ro'. DujvamDaq toy'pu'mo' lughov 'op
nuv. luparHa'law'. paw' 'op. ?Dujvetlh chu' DaparHa''a'?? jatlh vay'.
jang Hota'ro' 'ach QoylaHbe' vajar. <br>
SKI: vajar informs 'ungya's uncle of his nephew's death and then goes for
some food.<br>
To heck with footnotes, just some discussion.<br><br>
I'm not really happy with {labbeHDI'} as cannonically I think it's the
{labwI'} that is {labbeH} no the {jabbI'ID} but, I like {labbeHlu'DI'}.
Maybe it should be DalabrupDI'.<br><br>
Maybe I shouldn't culturally have used the word {'IQ} here. We don't have
a lot of words to express emotions for Klingons. Maybe they don't
identify many. It's hard to imagine there not being something akin to
sadness to learn that your beloved nephew had died.  <br><br>
I often used to write something like {tInqu' 'ej chuSqu' pa'} then reread
it carefully and realize that the subject should come sooner, making it
{tInqu' pa' 'ej chuSqu'}.&nbsp; There are similar examples of the latter
in canon--but I can't find any off the top of my head, I think they are
in colour descriptions. I'm trying to write things the right way right
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