tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jan 01 09:58:06 2012

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[Tlhingan-hol] Monopoly - New Canon

De'vID jonpIn ([email protected])

<p>WARNING: New canon from Klingon Monopoly.  Avoid this thread if you want to learn the new words directly from the game yourself.</p>
&gt; Now that it&#39;s been more than 30 days since Klingon Monopoly&#39;s release,<br>
&gt; has anyone compiled a complete list of all new canon (isolated from<br>
&gt; the sentences in which they appear) yet?<br>
&gt; Is this list complete for all the new vocabulary in Klingon Monopoly?<br>
&gt; <a href="";></a></p>
&gt; Nope, there are quite a few more. Jnfortunately, my copy and I are currently on opposite ends of Eurasia (greetings from Shanghai!), but I could get on gher:ing a tetlh when I return to Suverya&#39; next week.<br>
&gt; That is, unless somebody beats me to it (which I suspect somebody will).</p>
<p>I believe all the words from the box and game board have been posted already.</p>
<p>Here are the new words or new/novel uses of known words from the Combat and Honor cards:</p>
<p>{SIbI&#39;Ha&#39;} adv. later, eventually (discussed in another thread)<br>
{le&#39;mIS} n. blockade<br>
{wun} v. be unprotected, be vulnerable<br>
{ngIq} adv. each (we also saw this from {paq&#39;batlh})<br>
{chIm} v. be drained (referring to dilithium crystals; addition to known meanings)<br>
{mI&#39; nagh} n. dice, die<br>
{ron} v. roll, be rolling (of playing dice; addition to known meaning as aircraft term)<br>
{ronmoH} v. roll, throw (playing dice)<br>
{jorwI&#39;} n. bomb (extension of &quot;n. explosive&quot; meaning)<br>
{ghay} v. spray, bombard? (can take {jorwI&#39;} as its object; known previously from {bIQ ghaywI&#39; pa&#39;} n. shower (room))<br>
{tlhapqa&#39;} v. retrieve (obvious application of suffix {-qa&#39;} to {tlhap})<br>
{rIt} v. summon<br>
{tlhIngan &#39;IH qaD} n. Klingon beauty contest (see below)<br>
{qarDaSQa&#39;} n. Cardassian Union (more evidence for *{Qa&#39;} as an element with similar meaning to {DIvI&#39;})<br>
{ruDelya&#39; rop&#39;a&#39;} n. Rudellian plague</p>
<p>The beauty contest one is from the sentence {tlhIngan &#39;IH qaD DaQap} &quot;Win Klingon Beauty Contest&quot;.  I&#39;m not sure if *{&#39;IH qaD} can be separated out as a noun meaning &quot;beauty contest&quot; (which would imply the existence of *{&#39;IH} n. beauty).  It can also be parsed as {tlhIngan &#39;IH} plus {qaD}, that is, a contest for a beautiful Klingon, so {&#39;IH} is probably a verb here.</p>

<p>Someone with more time than me can type out the full sentences in which these appear.</p>
<p>Please correct any errors or let me know if I&#39;ve missed anything.</p>
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