tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Sep 26 13:55:49 2011

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[Tlhingan-hol] village dweller

Josh Badgley ([email protected])

.hmmessage P
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<FONT face="Courier New">lutHom vIqontaH.&nbsp; But it seems I have hit a snag.&nbsp; My story takes place on nural (Neural, from "A Private Little War"), and in the episode there are several different tribes of nuralnganpu', including the "Hill People" and the village dwellers.</FONT><BR>
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<FONT face="Courier New">So in my story,&nbsp;I have named the village dwellers <STRONG>vengHom DabwI'pu' </STRONG>and I am almost certain that I have violated a rule or something...I don't know <EM>which</EM> rule, but needless to say, I trust my instincts when they tell me my grammar sucks. </FONT><BR>
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<FONT face="Courier New">What would be a good tlhIngan Hol term for "village dwellers" ? And&nbsp;&nbsp;please, not&nbsp; anything that translates to "village people", I already thought of that...:)<BR></FONT><BR>
<FONT face="Courier New">Also, are there any thoughts on how one would transliterate the name "Apella" into Klingon?&nbsp; I have not as yet discerned any "rules" for "Klingonizing" names...would it be <STRONG>'apela</STRONG>? I ask because I am handwriting this story in pIqaD and it looks weird to just leave it as "Apella"<BR><BR>-- jhb<BR><BR></FONT> 		 	   		  </div></body>
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