tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 26 17:30:27 2011

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] {Hotlh} and {ghoS}

De'vID jonpIn ([email protected])

&gt; &gt; I don&#39;t feel a strong link between scanning with a tricorder and<br>
&gt; &gt; projecting something on a screen. Yes, you can put your scanned data<br>
&gt; &gt; on a screen, but this doesn&#39;t seem to me a particularly strong reason<br>
&gt; &gt; to assume the two words {Hotlh} are related. Maybe they are, but there&#39;s<br>
&gt; &gt; not enough evidence to assume they are.</p>
<p>I&#39;m not saying they&#39;re related (etymologically or whatever), I&#39;m saying they&#39;re easily confused.</p>
&gt; &gt; Hoqra&#39;lIj yIlo&#39;; Dep yIHotlh<br>
&gt; &gt; Scan the creature with your tricorder.</p>
<p>Why isn&#39;t this &quot;Project the creature onscreen using your tricorder (i.e., project it onto the tricorder&#39;s screen)&quot;?</p>
&gt; &gt; nurI&#39;chugh jaghla&#39;, yIHotlh<br>
&gt; &gt; If the enemy commander hails us, put him on screen.</p>
<p>Why isn&#39;t this &quot;If the enemy commander hails us, scan him&quot;?</p>
[... re-arranging to put the two {yIHotlh} together...]<br>
&gt; {Hotlh}  project, put on (screen):<br>
&gt;  yIHotlh<br>
&gt;  Put him on the screen! TKD<br>
[... poD...]<br>
&gt; {Hotlh}  scan:<br>
&gt;  yIHotlh<br>
&gt;  Scan it! KGT</p>
<p>So, there&#39;s no way to differentiate between &quot;scan it&quot; and &quot;put it on screen&quot;?</p>
&gt;  nuHotlhpu&#39;&#39;a&#39;<br>
&gt;  Have they scanned us? TKD</p>
<p>Again, why isn&#39;t this &quot;Have they projected us onscreen?&quot;  (In this example, I agree that the provided translation is much more likely though.)</p>
&gt; {HotlhwI&#39;}  scanner</p>
<p>Why not a projector (device for projecting something on a screen)?</p>
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