tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 21 12:36:14 2011

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] New canon from Klingon Monopoly

Felix Malmenbeck ([email protected])

I believe that on the final version of the board, the name vas changed to verengannar (can't check right now; perhaps somebody can confirm).

Also, 'anDorya' was changed to 'anDor (which is interesting, since people disagree on what the distinction is between Andor and Andoria; some claim one is the planet and the other the moon, while others claim "andor" is Andorian for "world", and -ia is some sort of augmentative suffix, so Andoria is "THE world"). Of course, for all we know, 'anDorya' is also correct (much like qarDaS and qarDaSya').

I think the Klingon spelling of Praxis is a bit unfortunate; it looks like a Klingon backfit of a Human name (like 'entepray'), rather than it being the other way around (I'd have liked something like *pIratlh or *pIra'tlhIH).

From: Steven Boozer [[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 21:22
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Tlhingan-hol] New canon from Klingon Monopoly

>> {verngannar} - Ferenginar (Ferengi Alliance;
>> [NOTE: Some believe that this may be a typo; that it should in
>> fact be verengannar, since Ferengi is verengan.]

> Well, based on {verengan}, shouldn't it be *{vere} or *{veren}?
> But we know the Ferengis call it something that sounds like
> "Ferenginar" to human ears, and perhaps the same word sounds like
> {verngannar} to Klingons.  Maybe it's {verengan} that's unusual.
> Perhaps Klingons think {verngannarngan} is too long and unwieldy,
> or the presence of a {ngan} in the middle of a word ending in
> {ngan} is confusing to them (what? what's a Verian's Narian?),
> and so they shortened the word to {verengan} via some process
> that added the middle "e".

I used to think that *{vereng} was a short-form planet name in Klingon, perhaps used earlier in preference to *{verengannar}.

  verengan < ?verengngan < ?vereng + ngan

We've seen examples of such elision before:

  lIghongan < lIghonngan < lIghon + ngan

KGT 141:  A name for the inhabitant of a planet (and, therefore, the name of a race of beings) is formed by adding {ngan} (inhabitant) to the planet name (excluding the number, if any): {lIghonngan} (Ligonian) [...] (Actually, there is some phonetic variation here. Ligonian is often pronounced {lIghongan}, dropping the final {n} of {lIghon} before the initial {ng} of {ngan}. This is not considered an error, only an alternate pronunciation.)

Another example:

  vulgangan < ?vulganngan < vulqan + ngan (?)

The word {tlhIngan} itself may be a variation:

  tlhIngan < ?tlhIngngan < tlhIng + ngan (?)

N.B. There's a {tlhIng yoS} "Kling District" on Kronos.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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