tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 12 23:56:09 2011

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] New canon from Klingon Monopoly

De'vID jonpIn ([email protected])

&gt; My transcription; please let me know if you find any errors:<br>
&gt; **************************<br>
&gt; New words:<br>
&gt; **************************<br>
&gt; ... [poD] ...</p>
<p>majQa&#39;!  lI&#39;qu&#39; De&#39;lIj!</p>
&gt; {verngannar} - Ferenginar (Ferengi Alliance; <a href="";></a>) [NOTE: Some belive that this may be a typo; that it should in fact be verengannar, since Ferengi is verengan.]</p>

<p>Well, based on {verengan}, shouldn&#39;t it be *{vere} or *{veren}?  But we know the Ferengis call it something that sounds like &quot;Ferenginar&quot; to human ears, and perhaps the same word sounds like {verngannar} to Klingons.</p>

<p>Maybe it&#39;s {verengan} that&#39;s unusual.  Perhaps Klingons think {verngannarngan} is too long and unwieldy, or the presence of a {ngan} in the middle of a word ending in {ngan} is confusing to them (what? what&#39;s a Verian&#39;s Narian?), and so they shortened the word to {verengan} via some process that added the middle &quot;e&quot;.</p>

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